In 2022, Konica Minolta predicts that the rapid pace of digital transformation spurred by the pandemic will continue with digital workplaces become a standard. Working in hybrid team set-ups with part of the workforce joining remotely while others are present offices will be critical in providing an attractive workplace. Organisations will therefore need to enable remote work and also redesign offices. This more flexible workforce will require effective communication and collaboration tools, with cloud- and “as-a-Service” solutions helping to make this dynamic hybrid team workspace possible. At the same time, organisations will be under pressure to protect themselves against increasingly professionalised security threats. Significant social requirements will also have an impact on the workplace: While in the past sustainability in IT was a positive differentiator for companies pursuing sustainable agendas, climate-neutral workplaces are increasingly becoming the default – and sustainable solutions will now be a ‘license to operate’. Yet, at the same time, another development is helping organisations to succeed in these highly dynamic environments: faster and better decision making driven by data.