Konica Minolta, Inc. (Konica Minolta) announced that Clarivate Plc, a U.K.-based global information service company (Clarivate), named Konica Minolta among the Top 100 Global Innovators 2022 (Top 100 Innovators). To create this list, Clarivate uses its own intellectual property and patent data to identify companies and organisations that have met the qualifying criteria of having filed 500 or more patent applications since 2000 and been granted 100 or more patents during the past five years, and then evaluates the identified candidates in terms of four factors – “Influence,” “Success,” “Globalisation” and “Technical distinctiveness.” Starting from the selection of Top 100 Innovators 2022, Clarivate places greater importance than before on the value of individual inventions in the process of assessing innovativeness.