| 12 liepos 2021

Konica Minolta’s AccurioJet KM-1e press has been accredited by INGEDE, the International Association of the Deinking Industry, for the deinking of uncoated paper printed on the system, enabling such papers to go into the recycling process.

Deinking is the removal process of printing ink from recovered paper during recycling. Key process steps for deinking are the detachment of ink film from the paper, ink fragmentation into a suitable size range and removal from the pulp slurry.
Konica Minolta’s digital inkjet B2+ sheetfed UV colour inkjet, which has been referred to as the Swiss Army Knife of printing because it has so many uses, already has the INGEDE deinking certification for coated papers, including even recycled qualities. After rigorous testing and evaluation of uncoated papers by INGEDE, in which the KM-1e press achieved an extremely high rating in the “Assessment of Print Product Recyclability – Deinkability Test” (INGEDE Method 11), the accreditation has been extended.

The formal accreditation is another positive boost for customers, according to Hidetoshi Omo, Head of Competence KM-1 at Konica Business Solutions Europe.